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Lær ved projektarbejde

100152555 › Fullstack Udvikler.
How do you go about learning a new programming language – Fast? In this lesson, I’ll the way I learn new languages so that I can go from no knowledge at all to writing moderately complicated programs in about three hours. Of course, that doesn’t mean I can learn everything about that language in just three hours. But it does make it possible for me to get to grips with most of the essentials – data types, variables, string-handling, classes, methods, modules and so on – in a really fast and effective way. This lesson assumes that you already have experience with at least one programming language. This is not the way a complete beginner would approach learning to program. But if you know any programming language at all you will understand numerous concepts such as variables, data types, functions and loops. And using that knowledge, you will then be able to learn a new language by doing hands-on coding as I explain in this video. In this tutorial I use the D language, DLang (mainly because I haven’t programmed in D before so I can show you exactly how I spent my first three hours with the language. But I would follow the same steps, more or less, with any language. That is how I began with C, C#, Java, Ruby and all the other languages which I use when programming. This approach can be simplified to four steps: 1. Pick a Programming Project 2. Try to guess how to do simple programming operations. 3. Only when you run into problems, refer to the documentation. 4. Use the Debugger!
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image 100152555 › Fullstack Udvikler.
Mit navn er Nicolai, jeg er Digital Underviser. Velkommen til MePlatform Community, et fællesskab hvor vi hjælper hinanden med at lære den digitale verden at kende. Jeg er 38 år gammel og har siddet foran en computer-skærm i mere end nu 25 år. Jeg har udviklet, kodet, designet, produceret og prøvet mange ting på en computer. Jeg vil nu derfor prøve at lære fra mig, lære andre hvordan de selv kan bruge internettet og de mange værktøjer at kende so vi har til rådighed. Jeg underviser også individuelt og coacher 1 til 1.